"Deviled" Dragon EggsThis is another dragon adventure I experienced with my brother. It is also related to a curse as in the "Here Be Dragons" blog of June....
Here Be DragonsI've been blessed with many interactions with dragon kind. I'm referring to the dragon race that are energy engineers, here on earth to...
You can deal with entitiesMuch of my spiritual practice has been clearing other dimensional entities from energy bodies. I have been gifted with the ability to...
The One-Eyed BrujoAnd now the story I promised of the one-eyed brujo. I used the spanish name for a black magic sorcerer as this is a story of a shaman...
Quan Yin Enters My LifeOn a trip to Bolivia in 2013, I first connected to Quan Yin. I had heard her name but had no idea who she was. She is an ascended master...
An Earth Guardian SpeaksIn a wonderful synchronicity, after my blog post on earth guardians (How to Live Forever part 3) and my Facebook post about sacred...