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Quan Yin Enters My Life

Quan Yin

On a trip to Bolivia in 2013, I first connected to Quan Yin. I had heard her name but had no idea who she was. She is an ascended master to some, and a goddess to others. She so loved humankind after a life here, she has stayed to help anyone who needed help. Quan Yin’s themes are children, kindness, magic, health and fertility. Her symbols are a lotus, black tea, rice, and rainbows. Quan Yin is the most beloved of all Eastern Goddess figures, giving freely Her unending sympathy, fertility, health and magical insight to all who ask. It is Her sacred duty to relieve suffering and encourage enlightenment among humans. In Eastern mythology, a rainbow bore Quan Yin to heaven in human form. Her name means ‘regarder of sounds’, meaning She hears the cries and prayers of the world. She is often depicted riding a dragon, and is closely connected with the dragon race.

I was traveling with James Tyberon’s Earth-Keeper group. We were in a rocky, sacred area much used for ceremonies. Everyone worked together to create a medicine wheel out of rocks and stones. We all circled around it, and two Tibetan buddhist priestesses who were on the trip started dancing and singing in the middle of the circle. I was enjoying the sacred place and the music when I got a vision! Standing in the middle of the circle was Quan Yin, about 30 feet high! I was blown away, and did not try to converse with her. I just stood there with my mouth open, utterly amazed.

Later that night, about 1 or 2 am I awoke, feeling Quan Yin’s presence in the room. She asked if I would deliver a message to the group. I told her I was honored and would be happy to assist her in any way I could. She relayed the message, and I repeated it back to ensure I had it right. I was touched by being so close to so much love! I was able to go back to sleep easily afterwards.

I asked Tyb if I could relay the message, and the next day we had a meeting where it seemed appropriate. Quan Yijn came in the room, and I relayed her message to the Earth-Keepers. Many were touched by her presence and message of compassion. Since then she has been a valuable advisor, and I have channeled many of her messages over the last few years.

This story and more adventures with Quan Yin are in our book "Quan Yin, the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Cell Towers". Download it now for free!

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