The Magic of ShamanismWinter is traditionally a time to gather and share stories with family and friends. In that spirit I’d like to share a magical story that...
"Deviled" Dragon EggsThis is another dragon adventure I experienced with my brother. It is also related to a curse as in the "Here Be Dragons" blog of June....
You can deal with entitiesMuch of my spiritual practice has been clearing other dimensional entities from energy bodies. I have been gifted with the ability to...
The One-Eyed BrujoAnd now the story I promised of the one-eyed brujo. I used the spanish name for a black magic sorcerer as this is a story of a shaman...
Quan Yin Enters My LifeOn a trip to Bolivia in 2013, I first connected to Quan Yin. I had heard her name but had no idea who she was. She is an ascended master...
An Earth Guardian SpeaksIn a wonderful synchronicity, after my blog post on earth guardians (How to Live Forever part 3) and my Facebook post about sacred...
How to Live Forever -part 1This answer is so easy! There is no way to not live forever! We may loose our body, but our soul is a part of the eternal whole. What...
The Magical World We Live InMy view of the world has expanded as I developed as a shaman. I have found Spirit is always communicating with us if we are open to...